Near perfect.
Everything was great, and fits the CC theme great, except that synth. Its sounds very ew-MIDI~ish. If you replaced it with a better synth I could see this fitting in the game easily.
Near perfect.
Everything was great, and fits the CC theme great, except that synth. Its sounds very ew-MIDI~ish. If you replaced it with a better synth I could see this fitting in the game easily.
In other words, composition = good, presentation = bad. VSTs were confusing to me when I wrote this, so I think it was all FL presets. eeeewwwwwwwwww!
lol, thanks for the review. Sorry for the late response.
Everyone hates a summary
So much god damn talent.
That was a great redo of a great song from a great video game.
So, eh it was aight.
((VOTED yeah?))
Holy shit thats catchy. Perfect, k? Vintage drums=yay. Orkester=<3. Synth=*fap*
A winner is you.
K now...
Well the melody was pretty good, however you should've added a few breakdowns in the mix. Also you should have maybe put it to a different bass, maybe one with more distortion. The Slayer like guitar didn't really fit. Some compression on it might help though. Some added drums wouldn't hurt either. The piano really destroys it the ending.
It's psychological!! xD
Its pretty repetitive, while catchy is quite minimalist, which is no problem since I'm not into complexity so much, but I know I have heard that bass line before knocking back a few originality points. But overall not bad.
thanks for the review, yea repetition is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to music, plsu i have no idea of how to develop a chorus line, well a catchy one anyways. I do do quite mimimalist tracks, sometimes it's what you leave out that makes track. Whereve you heard the bass line before? pretty poor to dock points for a bass line, it's pretty darn simple, but oh well if you feel that way.
thanks for the review.
let me know if you want any tunes reviewing.
Thats baby makin' music right thar.
A one line summary of my review
Nice melody, nice drumming, nice bass. Nice.
5d for great justice.
Fuck all yall bitches I voted 5 first. Damn straight
Aggression to be in a Pico flash, overall its nice and simple but just doesn't fit into the Mac's category.
Well, it was I good first shot. I mean I suck at loops but I never tried this contest out or anyother kind of contest here.
this account still belongz 2 netc@ fukr
Age 31, Male
Joined on 5/6/06